It’s that time of year when people are trying to get in shape or lose weight. But there are many common mistakes i see at the gym.

Top 5 Gym Mistakes

1. Not having a plan
Too many people turn up to the gym without a plan of what they are going to do. With limited time, this is not the time to free-style your workout! Before you know it, you will spend 10 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes half assed on the bike and a few random weight machines that look cool or you roughly know how to work them. Have a plan. Are you doing cardio or weights? which muscle groups? Are you taking advantage of doing compound moves that work multiple muscle groups such as deadlifts and squats? Stay away from machines unless you are undergoing physiotherapy. They isolate individual muscle groups and are wasting your time in the gym. Make a logical plan and stick to it. Write everything down in the gym as you complete it in a fitness diary so you can measure your progression. How are you going to know how many reps to do at your next workout, if you don’t have a record of your last one? Fitness classes are great because the planning has been done for you, you just need to show up and work hard!

2. Too much socializing, not enough exercising
Gym buddies are useful to motivate you to get into the gym or fitness class. However, they can affect your concentration when you get there. Focus on your workout in the gym, this is your time. It’s valuable.

3. Lack of Intensity
Too many people go through the motions. When I go to the gym, I see people reading while they cycle, playing on their cell phones. Just being in the gym and moving around a bit does not give you results. If you only have 30 minutes or 1 hour, make it count!

4. Misunderstanding how fat loss works
You cant choose where fat is lost. Your body is going to take it from where ever it wants. Ab exercises make your ab muscles stronger but you cannot spot remove fat. Abs are made in the kitchen. Get your nutrition right, and you will lose fat gradually from all areas. Don’t obsess over the scale, weight loss isnt always consistent. Take measurements and photos to measure your progression as well as using the scale.

Cardio kickboxing at GFMA

5. Overestimating calories burned
Cardio machines famously give you vastly exaggerated calories burned readings. Ignore them. To maximise calories burned and to raise your metabolism over the course of the day, high intensity intervals or weights are best. Basic cardio will improve your endurance but will also increase your appetite so overcompensating for your hard work is all too easy. Don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat all the foods you know are not good for you. Eat clean, get enough protein and learn to love fresh fruits and vegetables. Fiber is key to keeping you full, lowering cholesterol and reducing the rate of sugar absorption from carbohydrates.

You’ll see me at a regular gym when i’m traveling with work and wouldn’t otherwise have access to weights or a bike. But you wont ever see me standing around chatting or playing on my cell phone. I’m too busy focusing on my goals. I’m also at Guelph Family Martial Arts year round for a total body workout that is fun, varied and high intensity.

See you at the next GFMA fitness class!
